Live Richer Podcast, Season 3, Episode 4: Mastering Money Management and Debt-Free Living with Jade Warshaw

This Episode

Mastering money management involves creating a comprehensive budget that outlines your income and expenses. Prioritizing savings and investments can help build a financial safety net for the future. Ramsey Solutions’ Jade Warshaw speaks with Live Richer Podcast host Jaime Catmull eliminating her personal debt and living with a money management mindset that can sustain a debt free life.

In this show, Warshaw gives tips on how to keep track of your finances and overcoming negative perceptions on budgeting.

Listen to the full episode to hear about the benefits of persistence and commitment to a structured financial plan.

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About the Show

The Live Richer podcast is a space created for people to challenge and manage their ideas of wealth, culture, and money across the world. By exploring money concepts from diverse voices, listeners will be inspired to build better personal money decisions. Bringing you the best personal finance advice to make more, save more, and Live Richer.

Our Host

Jaime Catmull is here to help listeners like you cut through the clutter of personal finance advice that exists today to find the right information to improve your finances. Catmull is an advocate who empowers everyone to tackle the financial questions and obstacles they encounter throughout life. With eight years of experience working in the personal finance space at GOBankingRates, Catmull has amassed an extensive network of financial influencers and experts. Now, she’s tapping that network to get the real scoop on how you can live your best financial life and increase your wealth.

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